$1,500.00 CAD

Year of YOU Supported - Annual

Congratulations! You're making an incredible choice for your future self. By joining The Year of YOU, you are saying yes to a new way of living—one where you trust your body, honor your inner wisdom, and embrace the mirror Ayurveda offers to see yourself more clearly.

Every step of this journey is designed to help you thrive. You'll have a path to follow, guidance to lean on, and a community to cheer you on. And whenever you stumble or get stuck, Ayurveda will be there to lift you up and guide you back to the knowledge already within you.

This commitment is not just for today; it's a decision that honors your growth and deepens your relationship with yourself. You are investing in routines that are simple yet profoundly transformative. Each small, intentional step will bring you closer to living with more ease, clarity, and purpose.

What you'll get:

  • 2 Private Coaching Sessions

What People Are Saying:

There wasn't one huge groundbreaking moment, rather it gave me permission to carve out time in my life for me.... to cultivate a million teensy changes that culminated into a more grounded and centred me... One who could show up in my own life and for my family better & calmer than before. As with anything, I could take what I liked and leave what I didn't... And Jill was great at understanding everyone's individual lives and choices are different and ok. Also, the connection with the other participants was authentic and honest. I loved the support and encouragement.


Also, wanted to give you this positive feedback: your sessions have opened up some new channels to muscle strength that I found I have but was not accessing because I was using the other "helpers" (not) that create the tightness and tension. I live on acreage and have horses & tons of gardening, and so do a lot of lifting, carrying, shoveling, etc. In the past, my chiropractor just kept suggesting that I change my lifestyle and quit doing all the things I love. Now, I am seeing changes in all of my daily activities. Thank you so much for this - I am really excited about continuing on with your program.