A New Approach

Sister Science

Connect you to your innate healing capacity. 

Radical self trust and intuitive wisdom are the foundation for for optimal health, vitality and fulfillment. 


A New Approach

Sister Science

Connect you to your innate healing capacity. 

Radical self trust and intuitive wisdom are the foundation for for optimal health, vitality and fulfillment. 


Do you feel let down or not heard by western medicine alone? Are you feeling tired of not finding answers and crave a new approach to your well-being? 

Join a community where you feel deeply supported, confident, and in-tune with your own remarkable wisdom. At Sister Science, you take radical responsibility for how you move, sleep, eat, and manage energy. Learn to trust in your intuition and the sacred mind-body-spirit connection as you embark on a transformational, healing journey.

Achieve your personal and wellness goals with a daily rhythm that builds your energy, capacity, and passion with every decision.  Ayurveda, Yoga, and the Sister Sciences teach you to balance.   Stop depleting your tank every day and hoping that tomorrow you will somehow start your day with with energy.

Step out of the exhaustion loop.

The 4 steps below anchor all our courses, creating a new paradigm of how to create health and vitality: 

Connect into your inner guidance system, making self check-in a default pattern.

Learn to hear your inner wisdom, practice making decisions from and trusting your intuition.

From a place of self trust, articulate your needs and advocate for your highest self, no longer people-pleasing or neglecting self care for the needs and expectations of others.

As these new steps become your mode of operation, energy become abundant. You have a new vitality and capacity to live into the big dreams you have for your life.

This Is What Healing Looks Like

Sister Science understands that your body has a greater capacity to heal than you have ever considered believing. Once you trust this profound truth your life changes. We invite you to join the community of change-makers that are leading us into the next evolution of human experience.

Healing SELF to heal the WORLD.

Join the Morning Routine 5-Day Challenge!

There is POWER in your Morning Routine. Harness that Power and notice how it changes your day. 


What are you looking for?

Physical - Body
Mental - Mind
Spiritual - Spirit

How we support


Each Sister Science course is designed to help you listen to your own inner wisdom, learning to let that deep inner knowing have some say in your daily routines. 

Each "Year" focusing on your relationship to self, the world, and your purpose. 

You already know what you need to do, build the support and community around you to help you do it. 

Start with the Year of YOU.  ‌

The Year of You

Grounded in physical action

This step by step guided journey, helps you create the daily routines that build physical and mental capacity for a full robust, joyful life. You experiment with 10 habits learning how they directly affect your mood, energy, focus, and happiness in life. Taking 52 weeks to become acutely aware of your unique instruction manual for health and vitality. You tap into your own intuition and learn to trust its wisdom. We use 10 key habits from Yoga and Ayurveda to guide your journey.


Know YOU to Heal YOU

A 10-Module Course 

This course guides you through understanding yourself at a deeper level, learning how to respond to your body's cues, and developing personalized practices that align with your unique constitution. By integrating Ayurveda and Yoga teachings, you will gain the tools and insights needed to navigate your health journey with confidence and clarity.


The Year of Expansion

Breaking from old patterns and limiting beliefs

Find deep fulfillment and meaning in your work. Flush out the gifts and talents packaged in you to bring to the world. Working 1-1 with Jill to create the structure and design of what you are ready to bring to an audience. Step by step we build the structure of your business/offering to allow you to be in service.


The Year of Purpose

Living your Dharma

A year long exploration of how your beliefs and the current default patterns are aligned with your goals. Learn to give voice to your experience, practice sharing your truth, asking for what you need, and setting boundaries that support your wellbeing. The ethical practices of yoga called the Yamas and Niyamas are the founding principles of this embodied practice. Your weekly reflections on how you interact with your environment and with yourself, take theoretical knowledge into applicable life practice.


Call To Action

Sister Science Stories

Once you know, you can't un-know.  Lean into the mind blowing wisdom that has been pushed to the side. Use it to make self-trust a way of life!

Why Sister Science?

At Sister Science, we gently guide your health and vitality journey. Our society places undue emphasis on statistics, processes, and rigid scientific approaches, overshadowing the beauty of individualized solutions that nature’s rhythms embrace.‌

Sister Science complements western approaches, providing a roadmap for aligning with your body’s innate ability to heal. You will gain the knowledge, tools, and practical guidance needed to empower your unique journey. Daily lifestyle anchors, dietary recommendations,sacred self-care rituals, yoga, and meditation, we guide you in establishing a harmonious mind-body-spirit connection.


Who Is


In 2008, our founder Jill Novak had a concerning mammogram. Two biopsies couldn’t pinpoint a specific cancerous cell, but Jill was put into the “watch” category for the next few years being sent back to check every 6 months. The stress, worry and constant “what if” took its toll.‌

Needing to shift her relationship to the possibility of breast cancer, she chose to embark on a different path, surrendering to her body's natural healing ability. Applying lifestyle medicine, brave new boundaries, and selfish self care she changed the trajectory of what was thought to be an inevitable outcome. In short, she declared a Year of YOU in 2008, and hasn’t looked back once.‌

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